Site Protection and Security

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Site Protection and Security

ISLC facilities have frequent inbound and outbound traffic, as well as a heavy flow of activities inside and outside the facility. Access control at entrances and exits is a crucial part to protect our facilities from intruders, thieves, or even well-meaning visitors who may disrupt the productivity of employees, workers, and equipment. ISLC facilities have state-of-the-art security systems in place as well as armed security agents and K9 units patrolling our facilities around the clock, 24 hours a day seven days a week and 365(6) days a year.

Our facilities have security agents that maintain various logs, such as material logs, incident logs, and staff, employee, and visitor logs, which are vital to monitor and report potential discrepancies or suspicious activity. Full building inspections, access points, fencing, lighting, and material inventory are some tasks included in the security agents’ inspection work.

In our 30-year history, ISLC facilities have never been breached and have never had any losses of their contents. ISLC brings you the highest level of professional security and safety. ALL of our security agents have high-level security clearance from prior law enforcement positions and/or military service. Many are ex-State Troopers, Police Detectives, Navy Seals, Green Berets, Rangers, Air Force pilots, and FBI/CIA/Secret Service personnel. We pride ourselves on recruiting the highest quality security staff.